2016-10-11 10427

2016年10月7日,福耀玻璃美国有限公司竣工投产庆典上,全球最大售后汽车玻璃零售公司拜朗集团总裁盖瑞·伦伯纳(Gary Lubner)向福耀集团董事长曹德旺表示祝贺,并借庆典的机会宣布福耀集团获得了拜朗2016年度“最有价值伙伴奖”。






拜朗集团总裁盖瑞·伦伯纳盖瑞·伦伯纳 Gary Lubner






















Senator Sherrod Brown, Chairman Cho, honoured guests –

Thank you for giving me the honour of saying a few words, on this very important moment in the glass industry worldwide.

I am very proud and honoured to have been given this opportunity to speak to you today.

For those of you who do not know, Belron is the world’s leading automotive glass repair and replacement company, operating in 34 countries around the world, employing 27,000 people and serving over 17 million customers a year.

We are known by many brand names and here in the United States, we have our largest business, Safelite AutoGlass, which is based nearby in Columbus, Ohio. Safelite employs 13,000 people and delivers outstanding service to millions of motorists and insurance companies every year.

Belron was founded by my grandfather, over 100 years ago, when in a striking resemblance to Mr Cho’s history, he was forced to leave school at the age of 14 and pushed a barrow around the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa, selling glass. Some say that was the early beginnings of providing mobile service!!!

Looking at Mr Cho’s history – he too was forced to leave school and began his entrepreneurial career at the age of 14.

Mr Cho – I do want you to know that I regard you more as a friend than as my grandfather!

The relationship between Belron and FYG goes back a number of years, and I am very proud of the relationship that we have developed. It has been a relationship built on a number of factors:

Firstly, I believe that we have shared values. Our purpose is to make a difference to customers, to people and to our communities by solving their problems with real care. As such, Giving Back and Philanthropy are part of the DNA of Belron … begun initially by my grandfather’s personal philosophy of helping those less fortunate, and I am delighted to be associated with an individual like Mr Cho and a company like FYG, which also believes in Giving Back to people and communities in need. Mr Cho’s personal philanthropy is legendary.

Secondly, we have both built our success by not being in a supplier/customer relationship, but rather acting as true partners. In any partnership … partners don’t just make each other look better … rather, in a great partnership, like ours, good partners make each other BE better. A great example of this is that we are the exclusive ARG customer for the FYG plant in Russia, and are their single biggest customer in the aftermarket worldwide.

The third reason why I am so delighted to be here is because of this investment in Dayton, Ohio. I mentioned that our business here in the US, Safelite AutoGlass, is headquartered right here in Ohio. They have enjoyed several years of explosive growth … and the good news is the best is yet to come as we have very ambitious plans, for which we will need innovative, creative and outstanding partners … just like FYG.

The decision to build this factory in Dayton, will become a very important part of our future growth journey and we are delighted that we will a major customer of this plant for many years to come.

This is a bold move by FYG, to invest in manufacturing in the United States and shows the determination and commitment that this company has in both the US economy and the US people’ and I applaud FYG for taking this big step.

Belron worldwide has many hundreds, if not thousands of suppliers. Each year, we make a number of awards to our suppliers around the world. The highest accolade that a company can get is what we call, The Most Valued Partner Award. This is an award that recognizes quality, availability and cost … as well as epitomizing the very essence of the word partnership.

We have recently been judging all of our suppliers around the world and it is very fitting for me today to announce that FYG has been awarded the Belron Most Valued Partner Award for 2016.

Over the past 5 years we have bought over 12m pieces of glass, the quality has been outstanding with no issues at all in the past year.

And across 5 years, there an incredible supply consistency, averaging more than 98% - almost a full 10% higher than the average for our suppliers.

I would like to present that to Mr Cho today.

To FYG – Congratulations, I wish you many years of success and prosperity. Thank you for helping make Belron a better company.

And thank you for the opportunity to participate in this historic event.

Gary Lubner


Belron International Limited












